Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Busy, busy week
We have been running around this and last week getting things done like applying for Devin's and Shilda's passports, getting Shilda a German visa, taking care of the German re-adoption stuff, applying for Shilda's American Citizenship, trying to get a 10 year Green Card for me, dentist appointments, and looking for a house in Bavaria. All such fun things (especially USCIS are the funniest) in 100 degree weather. Yeah, the weather is something....the hottest summer since 1891 in Germany! The real killer is the humidity and not having air conditioning.

1 comment:

Moriah said...

Hello again,
It has been very hot here as well, hotter than the last 3 summers, chalk it up to global warming! I love the pictures so keep them coming! Bavaria looked so beautiful in the photos. Actually all of the photos were great and I really liked your home. I saw the dinner Dana made on the last night and remember what a good cook she is! Hope all goes well for you on the with visa's and paperwork.
Best to you all....Moriah