Friday, July 07, 2006

As a few of you were asking about our website which we haven't updated in months I thought I would start blogging and try to keep you better updated on our lives here in Germany. Most of you know that I am not very good about writing, but I promise I will try hard. I will also make one for our German family and friends...
Ok, let's see what we did the last few days...
Last week we went down to Bavaria (about 4 hours south of here) to look at houses. Oh, maybe I should mention that we are thinking about buying a house closer to my family. There is a good chance that Christian gets stationed down there after this caserne closes next year. We are sooo ready to have at least a home base. Depending on where the Military wants to send us, the kids and I might just stay in Bavaria while Christian does a (2 year?) tour. But we are still open to anything...we will deceide when the time comes and do whatever is best for our family.
Also, we finally were able to start Shilda's German Re-adoption yesterday. The lawyer was a little lost with our case being a German-American-Haitian family but we are positive it'll work out somehow.
Afterward we took the children to the strawberry field. You bring your own container which they weigh before you pick the strawberries; but since they didn't weigh Shilda before we paid for the strawberries we got the 3 pounds she ate for free.
Well, it's 1 am and I am VERY sleepy....

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