Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I have been Tagged! (Yeah, thanks Susan!)
7 random facts about me. Here goes my privacy...

1) I have this secret dream of having a really large family
(about 10 kids). I would love to homeschool, cook, bake and
play with the youngens all day long. BUT Christian got neutered,
I don't have the nerves for another adoption (at least not right
now) and Devin's daily homework almost always ends with a call
to the psychologists helpline. And homeschooling in Germany is
illegal anyway. Lucky psychologist!

2) I went to a catholic all-girls (nunes included) High School.

3) I have very poor eyesight. Before wearing contacts, I thought
Christian was a 6 foot tall African.

4) I used to be in a gang in Kansas. In a German-Women-Kidnap-Poor
Dogs-And-Cats from the ghetto of Junction City kind of gang.
(Story safed in head for another day)

5) I love to play tricks on sleeping people. I have been known to
draw glasses, red nose and a beard on a friend of mine in his
sleep. Another friend of mine and me woke him up after our
beautiful painting was finished and send him to the store. For
some reason he does not know me anymore.

6) I pray daily.

7) Darkness. I am really afraid in the dark. I will not go in the
basement myself in the evening. Fortunatly I have kids. Even
they negate my fear. But my kids and husband are deep sleepers,
so in the night I have the real problem when I have to use the
bathroom. I turn all the lights on around me with my eyes
closed. Then I go (read: doing the scared jumps) and turn every
single light on in the house (thank God we have a small house
right now) and then comes my bladders turn. It's not easy. I
am not sure how I function either.

So, there it went...MY PRIVACY. If you read this consider yourself tagged. Let's have a look into someone elses bizzare life.

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