Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mission work

We really want to do some mission work in the near future. We don't know where or what yet, but know for sure that we should do more for people who are not as fortunate as us.Orphaned/abandoned children are especially in our hearts. Haiti was/is of course always in our heads and hearts, but it might just not be the right time yet for us to go there. There are many other places where we could serve....maybe somewhere in Africa or even closer then that. Basically in our "neighborhood" Czech Republik or Romania.
Through our adoption I "meet" (over the internet) many wonderful people. I became good friends with some of these amazing, selfless people, who very much inspire me. I will keep you updated on our "plans".

Here is a link to Lori's blog. She is an American nurse living with her family in Haiti. (nothing for a weak stomache)

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