Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy
Wow, I haven't written in a LONG time...but we are extremly busy these days.
We will be moving in the next couple of months. Unfortunatly, we still don't know where. We have been waiting for our Military orders since December!!!
Shilda was scheduled to get her adenoids removed and maybe tubes in her hears the beginning of the months. But right before the operation her temperature went up and the doctor sent us home. NO FUN - they had given her meds to calm her down... basically she was totally high and could not walk, hold her head up, was drolling and all that good stuff and instead of calming her down otherwise she was screaming and hitting. And that's how they sent me home. I had to carry her and all our stuff quite far to the car. It was crazy. End of the story, she did not get a fever and was totally fit later in the afternoon. So, now we are scheduled to have the operation late this months.
We will be going to Turkey on monday for one week with my grandparents and mom. We are getting really excited. I will try to post more before we leave.

1 comment:

Moriah said...

Ok Dana, Time to post some new pics!! I hope you are all doing well. I am finally all moved!