Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Today was Shilda's first day in school (german kindergarten)!!!!
And she loves it. I'll be staying with her for the next couple of weeks. She is in a different group then Devin but they are right next door to each other. The two groups share a bathroom (where they can meet) and the outside is all together too, so she will still see him a lot. It's very different from other preschools - translated from German it's called a forrest school. The place is in the woods, so their playground are LOTS of trees, treehouses, sand, mud and of course some swings and slides...AND they grow their own veggies and some fruit. They are outside in sunshine, rain and snow (they have to have rainsuits, mudsuits, snowsuits.....) basiclly at almost all times. Anyway, it's a really great place and Devin has just loved it the last 3 years he has been there.
Oh, he has a rat now. He named her "Phoeby". She is still a baby and so cute. Christian and my first pet was a rat too, so we knew he just has to love them.
The little cuties are sleeping finally, so we will go to bed soon too. Both kids have been wanting to sleep with us the last few days and some of you might know what sleep means then for the parents. We are TIRED!


Moriah said...

I love the afro shot in the hammock! That school sounds great, I love that they have so much exposure to nature, it looks to be so beautiful there! I really like to see all the photos, keep up the good work on your blog, I love checking in with you guys!

Moriah said...

ok, dana you should check my blog