Thursday, September 14, 2006

Vacation Time
Not yet, but soon! My grandmother, mother, sister with her two boys and me with my kids are going on vacation. We have been wanting to do that for a long time now, but never had the perfect excuse to go without our husbands. But do we really need an excuse?? My sister is turning 30 this year, my mom 50 and my grandmother 70 next year, so this is the perfect time to do that. We want to make it as easy as possible for all of us, so we are taking "all inclusive" (with a 10, 5, 3 and 2 year old it's a MUST) and going to a country where the flight does not take any longer than 4 hours. We are thinking about Greece, Spain, Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia. I am sure we will have LOTS of fun wherever we go.
The week is planned for February, as my mom and grandmother are going already on a couple of trips the next few months. They (grandfather, grandmother, stepfather and mother) are leaving for Sicily on Satarday for 10 days. Then my stepfather and mother go back to Italy to visit their friends in October (they will help harvest olives and make oil - just for fun) and then my grandfather and grandmother are going with friends to Turkey for 2 weeks in November. AND then Christmas they are spending in Italy too. So, now you know about their busy lives, too ;0
Anyway, me and the kids can't wait....and I am sure Christian either (all that time to himself and not having to clean up after himself for a week).


Moriah said...

I vote for Greece or Spain and I am so jealous! All these years and I have NEVER been over-seas. Certainly my first visit will be to see you guys, I hope.
What a treat to have the change to share a vacation "The Mothers" and I look forward to seeing some of the photos on your blog.

Regarding adoption, yes I have thought of it. But feel very intimdated by the fact that i am a single woman, with no husband or additional income - does this matter much? You would know more than I what the chances would be of a single American being eligble. It is something I would definately consider, as my eggs are getting older and older....reality! No artifical insemination for this gal - I don't want to have a baby that way and feel it is coming time to seriously consider some other options. I welcome your advice.

Anyway, hope you are are doing great and I love to see the pictures of the kids (the one of you and Shilda is so sweet cuddled up together) and feel so connected just visiting your blog.

Moriah said...

Ps. Please put a pic of your Sister up, I have never seen her, or have forgotten if I have.
