Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Our dogs!
We have two dogs, Mara and Maxi.

Mara is a German Shepherd Mix and about 8 years old. We have had her for 5 years now and absolutely love her. I have been taking her to dog school for all these years, so she listens very well to me and knows all the commands. She loves everyone and everything; people, other dogs, cats (she has raised little kittens before), rabbits and even Devin's rat. Just know everyone comes back "showered", as she LOVES to lick!

Well, and then there is Maxi!

She is a different Story. Maxi is about 6 years old and we have had her for about 4,5 of them.
She is a souvenir from Spain. Yes, Christian has still not forgiven me and is very hesitant to go back on a South European vacation with me; the streets are paved with stray animals and I get in my Mother Teresa mood. So, here is how Maxi entered our lives: we went to a pound in Mallorca and I saw this little dog with lots of big dogs around looking very scared. I sent Christian there to check on it and he came back telling me that the dog tried to bite him. I did not believe him, that this innocent little thing would hurt a fly. To make a long story short, we came back to Germany with 2 dogs and 11 cats. Good homes were found quickly for all of them, except Maxi. And that's the day our lifes changed dramatically. She thinks she is the biggest and most dangerous dog around (keep in mind she is only 6 pounds). She barks all the time, runs away whenever she can (she even jumps over our fence) and has nipped at people before. She is a pain...Christian even claims that he can't stand her, but has been known to secretly let her sleep in bed with him whenever I take the kids and Mara to visit my family.

Well, Devin really loves her and she is still a cutie. And besides, every family has to have that one person...

1 comment:

Moriah said...

The dogs are great! You are an animal activist, so when you see one in need you natually want to help. You have empathy for the animals and for the situation they are living in (which they have no choice) Very nice of Christian to help out too even with 11 cats too! I hardly can stand to see the stray dogs and have heard and seen on TV how bad the situation is over there. Good for you! Sounds like you chose just the right ones to add to your family.
I love to see your blog, so keep it up. Really, love to see the children, Shilda is beautfil. I do not have children and really have felt the URGE to mother. So I enjoy your stories about them and thank you for having this idea in the first place, I would of never of done a blog if you didn't start it!
Auntie Moriah