Monday, August 28, 2006

Well, a long time has past and we have been very busy since I last wrote.
Yesterday was my birthday. We had people over for coffee and cake and went to the movies with some friends in the evening (The lake house). My mother and grandmother came up for a visit (4 days) and left yesterday. They brought Devin back from his FIRST VACATION WITHOUT US. Yes, do you believe it?! My dad and his family were here the weekend before and he wanted to go down to Schwandorf (the town my whole family lives - 4 hours away) with them for the week. Well, we let him and were pretty sure I had to go down to get him the next day because he would be crying his eyes out. But even parents can be wrong! He even wants to do it soon again AND is planning his first trip alone to New York City to visit Jenna and Jeff (Christian's mother and step-father). I have a feeling this little stinker is growing up to quickly.
So, we have had visitors all last three weekends and the week before that we went to an African-Caribbien Festival. There was music and dancing, stuff to buy, food, lots of kids things, people who braided hair ...It was a lot of fun and we will definatly go there next year again.
For the coming up holiday weekend we are thinking to go up to the North Sea to camp. Christian has never been there and it's so worth fact, people come from all over the world for it. We are thinking of going eighter on the German or Netherland side of it, as Denmark would be a couple of hours longer to drive and more expensive (BUT I looovveee Denmark).

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My sister and brother-in-law with their two boys were here until yesterday. They planned on staying for two days, but we had such a good time so they stayed 5 days. We went to the movies, barbequed, relaxed (as much as you can with 4 wild children running around), made a fire in the yard, went to the petting zoo...
Devin and Shilda are going to bible camp this week and really enjoy themselves there.
Christian's brother Dustin is coming from the States on saturday for a few days. We will be going to the African-Caribbean Festival this weekend. YEAH. I wanted to go there for years but there was always something else going on so this year it is a must.