Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This is how Devin came home yesterday after playing with his friends for an hour. I went to pick him up as we had other plans to meet with my cousin and her child. I could not believe what I saw and was literally speechless. All 3 of them became brown creatures! One of the other mom's told me that they came to her house and decided they wanted to play inside now! AAAHHHH!!! After being turned away they went to another friends house asking to come in and have a snack:) Poor guys being turned away everywhere. BTW, Devin is crying in the pics because I let him walk home, instead of letting him in the car (btw, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him coming in the car like this). This was finally enough for him being treated so unfair that he broke out crying.
No gifts!

Our family has decided to not give any Christmas presents this year. We will only be giving something (smaller) to the children in our families. What could any of us still NEED, when there are so many people out there who REALLY have NEEDS to be able to survive. Please don't send us anything either. If you really want to give us anything, then make a donation to Lori and Licia (Real Hope For Haiti). They are doing such wonderful work in Haiti. Lori just wrote me yesterday that they have had such a horrible week and sometimes she is so close to loosing all hope. She asked for prayer. So please, whoever prays, include them.
The no-exchanging-gift-thing (but instead donating money to a good cause) has been on my mind for the last couple of years. Despite being stressed out sometimes what to get everybody (get this...STRESSED OUT...people in Haiti could probably not even imagine in their wildest dreams to be stressed out about shopping), I still had so much fun doing it and it was just so Christmasy for me. But I still always felt guilty about it! So, anyway...can you still follow??? I hardly can't and today is definatly a hard finding the words in english kind of day again...
So, anyway we had parents crafts evening in Shilda's school last week and I was sitting on the table with 5 other women. They were all talking about Christmas presents, complaining not knowing what to get, being totally stressed, one was saying she has all the smaller gifts for her daughter, but now she needs THE big one over 100 Euro for her still. Another woman gave her some suggestens, which EVERYTHING she mentioned the daughter already has. This almost made me sick to my stomach and was finally the turning point for me. If these women just knew what blessings they bring this year to Haiti. I shared this conversation with many people and so this year almost all my family and friends are donating money.

I know I have posted Lori's site before but here it is again


and her sister Licia


If you want to donate any money you can do it on their blog via paypal or if you rather send a check or something let me know and I will give you an adress in the states.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The pictures in my last post are from the last couple of weeks.
We just moved to Schwandorf, Bavaria. Christian is now stationed in Wiesbaden and comes every weekend home. Devin has started "real" school and likes it so far. Shilda has had not such a good start at her new school, but likes it better by the day.

Christian's car just died (it's 19 years old) so he has mine (now his). We are looking to buy a good family car. Any ideas which one? It SUCKS having no car!

In 3 weeks we are going back to Turkey for a week - this time ALL 4 of us! We were trying to go to Egypt, but could not find anything decent anymore. I have been there and didn't think I wanted to go back, but Christian really got excited about Egypt. Maybe next year!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On sunday we went to Marianske Lanzne in the Czech Republik. We are only about 30 minutes from the Czech border here and it was about time for me to show Christian where my family is coming from. Yes, I am over half Bohemian (for the ones who did not know yet)! Unfortunatly, we did not make it to Sokolov where my dad's side of the family is coming from (and some are still there), but we are going back soon. Anyway, we had a great day and I was very surprised how beautiful some towns have become. It used to be only grey and dirty (and most of it still is).

Devin's First Day Of School

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mission work

We really want to do some mission work in the near future. We don't know where or what yet, but know for sure that we should do more for people who are not as fortunate as us.Orphaned/abandoned children are especially in our hearts. Haiti was/is of course always in our heads and hearts, but it might just not be the right time yet for us to go there. There are many other places where we could serve....maybe somewhere in Africa or even closer then that. Basically in our "neighborhood" Czech Republik or Romania.
Through our adoption I "meet" (over the internet) many wonderful people. I became good friends with some of these amazing, selfless people, who very much inspire me. I will keep you updated on our "plans".

Here is a link to Lori's blog. She is an American nurse living with her family in Haiti. (nothing for a weak stomache)http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=haitinurse4life

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Medieval Fest

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thoothless Grin
Devin finally lost his first tooth. He has been anticipating this dental misadvanture for some time now; He has been watching his friends' teeth drop like flies around him and finally he is a member of the freak show now too. Unfortunatly, he had it in a box in school (that's where it came out) and some unscrupuless tooth- bandit absconded with it. Probably one of his friends was feeling selfconscius and stuck his precious tooth in one of their gaps. Anyway, he put the police report under his pillow and the tooth fairy must have bought it, as she left him 5 Euros.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

At Devin's and Shilda's Kindergarten....

Party time... Shilda's class sang an African Song... matching to their theme.

The new goalie for FC Bayern really earned his Bratwurst today!

Here he is taking a much needed rest

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy
Wow, I haven't written in a LONG time...but we are extremly busy these days.
We will be moving in the next couple of months. Unfortunatly, we still don't know where. We have been waiting for our Military orders since December!!!
Shilda was scheduled to get her adenoids removed and maybe tubes in her hears the beginning of the months. But right before the operation her temperature went up and the doctor sent us home. NO FUN - they had given her meds to calm her down... basically she was totally high and could not walk, hold her head up, was drolling and all that good stuff and instead of calming her down otherwise she was screaming and hitting. And that's how they sent me home. I had to carry her and all our stuff quite far to the car. It was crazy. End of the story, she did not get a fever and was totally fit later in the afternoon. So, now we are scheduled to have the operation late this months.
We will be going to Turkey on monday for one week with my grandparents and mom. We are getting really excited. I will try to post more before we leave.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Shilda and birthmom
Shilda's bio brother with uncle, aunt, bio mom, and bio dad Shilda bio mom
Shilda has been home a year (as of 12 Jan)

When she first came she could hardly walk, didn't know what to do with toys and was generally inactive. Early blood test revealed some major nutritional deficencies, which her doctor said would probably have life long consequenses.
Shilda still has some medical problems, but is such a big girl now. In this year she has gone from size 9-12 months to a size 3T. She grew 16cm and gained 11,5lb. She sings and dances all day, loves dolls with long hair (that she can rip out of their heads with her brush) and pretty clothes, understands English and German (but speaks mostly German), will be swimming in no time, dresses herself and is just a very happy child with lots of friends. She has almost completly caught up with other kids her age and in some ways surpassed them. But this girl has the thickest head of anyone her size and likes to be the boss ;) If things keep going this rate she will be president!
All in all she has fit in our family so perfectly that it's as if she has always been here.